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With legalization of medical marijuana in various states and some with recreational marijuana, most people have been searching for innovative ideas to make use of the herb. In case, you did not prefer smoking marijuana or looking forward to trig something different, cooking with Cannabis oil would be a great option.

Understand the legalities of the state

Prior to you learning about the several ways to making marijuana your go-to herb in the kitchen, it would be imperative to find out whether the herb has been made legal in the respective state. Presently, medical cannabis has been made legal in nearly thirty states and Washington, D.C., whereas, eight states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational usage. It would be pertinent to mention here that thirteen states have decriminalization laws in effect for marijuana usage. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to ensure you have requisite understanding about the legalities where you reside.

Once you have figured out about cooking with cannabis where you reside, you would be required to decide on how to use it. You could definitely make use of the herb ground up. However, when it comes to cooking, several would be locating that usage of cannabis oil would be easiest to go.

Several health benefits offered by cannabis oil usage

While some people may be using cannabis for recreation, several would be using it for health reasons. It has been the major reason why cannabis oil has been specifically gaining popularity with the people. People have been suffering from a wide range of health related challenges ranging from PTSD to irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, arthritis, insomnia, migraines and more, have found cannabis oil usage highly beneficial.

Find below few interesting tips to learn about cannabis oil usage.

1. Choosing marijuana right for you
It would be imperative to look for cannabis oil offering high CBD and low THC. You should also search for extracted cannabis oil that does not contain harmful toxic solvents.
2. Cannabis oil to work well with sweet recipes
Cannabis oil should be infused with fat or oil based ingredient. In case, it does not list fat ingredient, you should add small amounts of favorite spirits.
3. Need for preheating the oil

It would be essential to preheat the fat or oil ranging from 160 degrees F to 185 degrees F.
You should be wise in choosing lab tested cannabis oil for safety measuring of active ingredients and suitable to your individual dosage and volume of recipe.