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4 important facts that we never know about marijuana
Marijuana mostly known as cannabis is recognized as a dangerous drug all over the world. It is totally illegal in some of the nations like other dangerous substances including PCP, cocaine, and heroin. To some individual, it must remain illegal, but, there are also some people who firmly believe that cannabis must be legalized. Because this herb has a lot of medicinal properties, which is beneficial for human health. Here are some facts that we never know about the Marijuana.

  • Cancer-killing properties:

Recent research shows that there are two primary cannabinoids of Marijuana, THC and CBD, both have cancer killing properties. The report also explains that THC which is known as Marijuana psychoactive ingredients can kill the cells of brain cancer. If THC applied on brain tissue continuously which is affected by cancer, it is confirmed that cells will die within few days. CBD does the same. A scientist group of California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco explains that cannabinoid’s has the potential to prevent metastasis which is present in different type of cancer.

  • Brain cell growing properties

In 2005, a study demonstrated cannabinoids’ capacity to advance neurogenesis in the grown-up hippocampus, the brain area is responsible for numerous essential brain function including individual’s memory as well as mood. Marijuana contains anti-anxiety and anti-depressant properties which can cause a great effect on our mind. That’s why it observe that Washington, Colorado, California and other various marijuana-friendly nation often turn into this herb for its mood-boosting properties. Not only that, this herb also leads to our brain cells grow.

  • Decreasing the Suicide rates

It is analyzed by the Denver state-level study that Suicide rates are too much lower in marijuana-friendly areas or in the place where you can find medical marijuana very easily. The results shows that the medical marijuana have the capacity to decrease more than 5% in total suicide rate, an almost 11% suicide rate is reduced within the age of 20-29 males, and a 9% of 30-39 males.”

  • No evidence of significant lung damage

According to the report that it is true that in the there are lots of carcinogens are found in the tar of marijuana which as same harmful as cigarette smoke, but the tar of Cocaine is far more dangerous that marijuana. It also strengthens the concept that marijuana herb is anti-cancer. There is totally zero proof that marijuana can create significant lung damage.