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Automated Seed Selector, Sorting seeds is one of the most time consuming parts of the seed creation process. Underdeveloped seeds represent 10-20% of yield for even the best seed growers, which all have to be sifted out before seeds can be sold. A bad seed can ruin a customer’s judgment of a company, because a seed that does not germinate properly can cost the grower money or their medicine. To solve this problem, Green House Seed Co. has come up with an ingenious machine for sorting seeds.

Their Automated seed selector uses advanced technology to measure the weight, density, and pattern on the seed. Once the seed has been analyzed, the machine puts the seed into one of five piles. Underdeveloped seeds, and questionable seeds are placed into a separate stack so that no customer has to worry about getting a faulty seed in their package. The rest of the seeds are separated based on size, aspect and pattern.

Precise Optics and Accurate Data

A high definition camera is used in the process to calculate a seed’s volume and pattern. The only way of doing this without a machine is to have a highly trained sorter eyeball whether the seed should be used or not. Human error exists though, and the Automated Seed Selector has been shown to be more accurate than even the best sorters. Sadly our eyes get tired and we all need rest, but not the automated seed selector.

By sorting a seed every three seconds, the seed selector can process about a pound of material per day. The machine is capable of continually running for 24 hours, which a sorter can certainly not due and maintain the same level of accuracy. A seed selector is a must have for any seed bank, as it will reduce their risk of selling seeds that are not fit to be sold. Green House Seed Co. should soon start marketing this to other seed banks, and continually improve the software.

The Automated seed selector knows which plants it is sorting, and all of the relevant characteristics of seeds of that strain. This allows the sorter to always select the best seeds of every strain without fail. Much of this information and software that handles the machine has been the result of Green House Seed Co. reinvesting their profits to make their business better. Indeed, they make the whole industry better and for that we thank them.