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Any sportsperson or athlete who gets injured will want to heal and recover from it as soon as possible. Traditionally, they depend on prescription opioids to overcome the pain and inflammation associated with sports injuries. However, opioids have been known to make users addicted to them. Fortunately, Cannabis topicals have been discovered as a safer, non-addictive option for treating sports injuries.

Benefits of Using Cannabis Topicals for Sports Injuries

The use of cannabis topicals for sports injuries offers athlete the following benefits:

  • Localized treatment. Although pain-relieving pills are made to relieve pain, they don’t target a specific injured area of the body. In fact, they will have an impact on the entire body, making it hard to successfully treat a sports injury. But, topical cannabis focuses on the area to be treated and offers fast-acting and effective relief. Cannabis-infuse creams, serum, or oil are available for use to target aching joints, sprains, or extensive injuries.

  • Minimal to zero side effects. Using CBD oils and lotions will let an injured athlete benefit from the analgesic impact they desire without experiencing the unwanted “high” feelings associated with THC, which is another compound of cannabis. Also, as cannabis topicals are made from natural ingredients, injured athletes don’t usually have to worry about allergic reactions.

CBD Creams and Topicals for Athletic Recovery

CBD topicals are made by infusing high-quality cannabis flowers in a carrier oil that extracts the active compounds such as CBD, THC, or both, depending on the kind of hemp used. The oil is mixed with other therapeutic herbs such as arnica or lemongrass essential oils that can help relieve pain. CBD topicals are meant to be applied directly to the affected area.

Things to Keep in Mind when Buying Cannabis Topicals

There are a lot of CBD topicals available on the market. But, it is important to know what type of CBD you are adding to your treatment plan. When you purchase these products, examine the label carefully. Find out if the topical is a CBD isolate, broad-spectrum CBD, or full-spectrum CBD. CBD isolates do not have any trace of THC or other cannabinoid compounds. Broad-spectrum contains most of the CBD, but no THC while full-spectrum contains all the cannabinoid compounds, including THC.

Moreover, it is important to look out for details like the source of the CBD, the suitable dosage for you, and its quality. When buying cannabis topicals, confirm whether they re pure topicals or transdermal. Pure topicals don’t enter the bloodstream. Thus, they only stay on the skin’s outer layer.