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Cannabis Culture

The history of cannabis culture is as old as the story of its uses.

The cultivation of cannabis dates back to 12.000 years ago, a fact that makes it quite simply the oldest known crop. From Siberia (where traces of it were found in a 12.000 years old tomb) and Africa to South America, this plant reached the four corners of the world.

Throughout history, humans have developed beliefs and rituals based on cannabis, which was studied and used to create therapeutic products. The Vikings, for example, used marijuana as a remedy for bad toothaches and the pain of childbirth (and pain, more generally). According to an ancient Vedic poem written in Sanskrit, in India the plant was used to relieve anxiety symptoms.

We also have proofs of the fact that in 19th-century a strange potion was prescribed to Queen Victoria, who needed something for the pain. The ingredients were vodka and marijuana.

In China, cannabis is mentioned for the first time in a letter written by the emperor Shen Nung in 2737 BC. In this text the great leader calls the plant“medicine”. Plus, do you know what people used to invent paper? It happened in China, again, and people used cannabis, as you probably guessed. Moreover, historians tell us that in the 2nd century AD the surgeon Hua T’o produced decided to mix marijuana and wine: the aim was to produce an anesthetic for those who were about to undergo surgery.

And in the 5th century BC Shiites used to burn marijuana buds inside their tents, enjoying the smoke and its effects together. They believed the smoke enhanced their communication skills and their ability to create effective strategies.

Unfortunately, the demonization and criminalization of cannabis has erased from many history books most of the ancient cultures and rituals that used to accompany this plant. And still, many cannabis-ceremonies remain quite common in Africa, and the traditional medicine of many African nations involves the use of marijuana against an enormous amount of diseases. The same goes for many South American regions. Well, why don’t you join the culture? Try some high quality cannabis ( today and you will find yourself sharing emotions and rituals through a culture that crosses ages and oceans, a journey that begins in your body and brings you deep inside your human nature. If you think about it in these terms, cannabis culture is not simply a treasure: it is an important fragment of what makes us human.