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All cannabis enthusiasts love having cannabis cookies and cakes. These are, in fact, the most popular recipes to eat cannabis. However, there’s yet another form – Cannabis Tea – that you must try once. That said, we know the difficulty – it’s not like you can walk into a store and ask for a packet of cannabis tea bags like it’s green tea. So, if you reside somewhere where cannabis is illegal or you just want to brew your own tea, then the recipe below will give wonderful results.

But, before we can take you through the recipe, we’d like to mention that you can use cannabis leaves, stems, and buds to prepare the concoction.

And just so you know prehand, the recipe we’re mentioning below uses marijuana buds. So, let’s get started!

What You’ll Need:

• ½ gram of fresh marijuana buds.
• ½ teaspoon of unsalted butter.
• Flavored tea bag.
• ¼ tsp milk
• Honey for taste

The actual recipe:

• Crush the marijuana buds properly.
• Take a pan and heat some butter in it.
• Add milk, water, and ground marijuana buds to the butter in the pan and cook the mixture on a sim flame for about half an hour.

Once the concoction cools down, filter it to get rid of the residue. And, your cannabis tea is prepared. Now comes the flavoring.

1. You can dip a tea bag of any flavor you like in the tea.
2. You can add a few drops of honey for sweetness.

Remember, both these steps are optional.

Let the tea sit for at least 2 hours before you drink it.

Major Benefit of Cannabis Tea

It’s clear that making cannabis tea takes quite some effort. Which is why it’s only fair that you’d want to know if the effects will be worth it. So, we are listing the most important medicinal benefit of consuming marijuana tea.

It Reduces Chronic Pain

If you’ve been suffering with chronic pain in your muscles and joints, consuming cannabis tea will offer a huge relief. The most common pains it can tackle are:

• Headaches and migraines
• Menstrual cramps
• Sciatica pain
• Arthritic pain
• Neuropathy pain
• Nociceptive pain

How does it help?

THC in cannabis reduces inflammation by activating the CB2 receptors that are responsible for reducing physical pain of all sorts.

CBD in cannabis, on the other hand, reduces the potency of pain signals before they reach the brain.

Some other benefits that you might be interested in include the following.

• It reduces anxiety.
• It calms down stressed and tensed muscles and nerves.
• It reduces nicotine cravings that help smokers quit.
• It increases the airflow in lungs.

So, it might be a great idea to start brewing your tea over this weekend for rejuvenation.