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Cook with Your Cannabis: Nuts, Fish and Hemp

We continue the series of ancient recipes that involve the use of marijuana as an ingredient. They are great to share with friends, the perfect solution to open your mind and meditate, an extraordinary help to see things from a new point of view …plus, why not, just like the ancient rituals teach us, you can use them to replace wine at a party and have the time of your life. Widen you horizon and get ready for a journey made of ancient, mysterious flavors and aromas. Your taste buds won’t ever be the same, you can bet on that. Just remember: you’ll need high quality cannabis ( for these recipes.

Flower Buns

300 grams of flour, 1 little cube of yeast, 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon of chopped rosemary, salt, 2 grams of cannabis.

Dissolve the yeast in 1/2 cup of warm water, it can’t be too hot or you’ll kill the yeast. In a bowl, mix flour and salt. Add yeast and water to the mix, and knead the dough. As you do so, add cannabis and oil too, little by little. Continue until you obtain smooth and elastic dough. Divide the dough in 4 equal parts using a knife. Cover them and let them rise in a warm place for 3 hours. Then, stretch your little buns, brush them with olive oil, sprinkle them with salt and rosemary, and prick them with a fork. Cover them while heat the oven at 220 degrees. Finally, cook the buns for about 20 minutes.

Singing Salmon Canapés

15 grams of butter, 3 grams of cannabis, 8 slices of toasted bread, 8 slices of smoked salmon.

Melt the butter over low heat while you add chopped marihuana. Let it cook a little. Put the butter-marijuana mix in the freezer, covered. Remember to turn it over a few times while it hardens. Toasts the bread and spread your cannabis butter on it. Add the salmon.

Tagliatelle, Walnuts and Cannabis

400 grams of tagliatelle, 10 big walnuts, 250 cl of crème fraîche, 50 grams of butter, grated Parmesan cheese, salt, and 3 grams of cannabis.

Crush and mince (not too much) your walnuts. Heat up the crème fraîche and mix it with the minced walnuts. Add some salt. Meanwhile, cook the cannabis in the butter and start cooking the pasta too. In a big bowl, combine the cannabis-butter mix with crème fraîche and walnuts. Once the pasta is cooked, add it to the sauce you prepared together with some Parmesan cheese. Stir everything up, and serve it!