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Over-the-counter medicines which cannabis can (possibly) replace
The medical benefits of cannabis tend to be well-known and the right strains can potential act as replacements for other non-prescription medications you may be taking. In this article we’re going to look at some over-the-counter pills which may be just overpriced alternatives to some traditional ganja or other cannabis-derivatives. Please note the following this article should not be treated as professional medical advice. This is article is only an opinion piece. Also, you should consult your physician before stopping or altering your current medication regimen.

Provera and other appetite stimulants
If you have difficulties eating due to mild depression, or other minor ailments cannabis could be a great alternative to popping a pharmaceutical drug. Among its many other effects tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis, has been known to be an appetite stimulant even before it was studied scientifically. With the advent of modern science this has been confirmed recently as researchers have discovered that THC causes the endocannabinoid system in the brains of other mammals to becoming hypersensitive to scents, and also tricks them into thinking that they are starving, which produces the sensation of “the munchies” in people.

Ibuprofen and pain management pills
No matter what strain of cannabis you are using a near immediate and universal benefit of the plant is the reduction in pain. This fact is commonly cited during medical marijuana debates and with good reason. Modern strains are potent enough not only to easy minor aches and pains, but one study, published two years ago, indicated that cannabis is effective for treating the painful symptoms of multiple-sclerosis. Even more recently High Times recently published an article which suggested that vaping cannabis is the best method of managing pain and may even replace prescription pills. So if you are in an area which permits it discuss with your doctor the possibility of a medical cannabis smoking regimen to your routine to manage your pain.

Ambien and other sleep aids
It’s known in stoner cliques that cannabis can keep one not only comforted and calm, but sedated to the point of where they may easily drift off to sleep. This is because THC, as well as CBD, acts in a manner similar to the hormones which regulate the bodies sleeping cycle. So smoking some ganja can aid your mind in getting the rest of your body into a deep restful sleep. Just be sure that you smoke a good indica strain to get a good night’s rest, instead of a sativa or a hybrid. Smoking the later may instead cause you stay up half the night in deep contemplation, rather than catching your zzz’s.