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Many people aren’t aware of the power of moon phases when cultivating marijuana. The professionals make the most of this aspect and harvest the cannabis like a boss. This article will enlighten you about the same.

Waxing and waning

Waxing and waning of the moon are associated with the angles of the moon’s orbit of the sun and the earth’s orbit of the sun. During waxing, the moon seems like growing. It begins with a new moon, then a crescent moon, the first quarter, a gibbous moon and hence the full moon. Post full moon, appears disseminating moon, then the second quarter moon, and a balsamic moon. This entire moon phase takes a month. It can be segregated into four major stages which are also useful when considering marijuana cultivation:

  1. New moon to first quarter
  2. First quarter to full moon
  3. Full moon to second quarter
  4. Second quarter to new moon.

Moon and marijuana

There are many aspects that affect marijuana cultivation. It begins with its cultivation, feeding, removal of weeds and finally the harvest. During waxing, your plants will use the resources available for growing and developing the leaves, stems, and foliage. During waning, your plants will dedicate their efforts for developing and growing the root system or the parts submerged underground. Because of this, marijuana harvesting is ideally done with the moon is waxing. It is also the best time to feed the plants with water, but when providing nutrients ensure to dilute them frequently.

Speaking of which, the marijuana seed germination is ideally done during waxing or crescent moon phase. This time makes the germination faster. When the moon is gibbous, your plants soak in more nutrients due to the moon’s gravitational pull. The opposite happens in the balsamic phase when the plants are resting. Hence, in that moon phase, prune, kill off weeds and be ready for the next step. Always try your best to harvest in the full moon because the water content in your plant is at its lowest in the new moon. This means that the next process, drying and curing will be easier, quicker and less likely to gain any mold.

The moon may not make or break your cannabis growth, it will surely impact it. So, make the most of the moon phases so that you harvest the best of the yield.