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Cannabis can treat a lot of medical problems out of which chronic pain is one of the most significant. More than 20% of the world’s population suffers from some kind of chronic pain. Fortunately, severe pains can be treated with marijuana.

Here we have listed five efficient ways to treat chronic pain with marijuana

  1. FECO Oil: FECO oil is also known as Full Extract Cannabis Oil, which has a high concentration of marijuana. It can cure certain forms of diabetes, treat, and also cure terminal illness. This oil is made of ethanol and grain alcohol. It is not meant for vaporizing and smoking.

  1. Topical: Cannabis topical is infused with cannabinoids that can treat inflammation, pain, and disorders. They can also be prepared at home with THC and CBD extracts. Topicals are highly effective in treating joint and muscle pain. One of the best things about topicals is that it doesn’t enter the bloodstream and make you go high. Also, it is non-psychoactive.

  1. CBD Isolate: CBD is the purest form of Cannabinoid, which is known to treat pain, sleep disorders, and inflammation. This kind of cannabinoid is either vaporized or used for smoking. It can be added to drinks and food as it is a crystalline powder. If you are looking for immediate pain relief, you can vaporize it.

  1. Sublingual: Cannabis Sublinguals are the best, and do not have any side effects on your lungs. They take a very short time to show the impact on your body, whereas smoking and vaporizing takes some time to kick in. This is because cannabis is administered under the tongue and other sublingual places, where it takes only twenty seconds to 2 minutes to enter your bloodstream and show the action. They must be used frequently as they don’t last for a long time like edibles.

  1. Suppositories: These are the most effective methods of cannabis medication. As discussed above, Rick Oil and FECO oil are rich in cannabis concentration. These two oils are used in suppositories to show effective results in patients. When one consumes suppositories, capillaries and blood vessels in the rectum speed up and the absorption process increases.

These are few ways to treat chronic pain like muscle pain, joint pain, neck pain etc. with marijuana. With an extensive range of benefits, it’s not surprising that marijuana is one of the best treatments available for several diseases.