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Ceres Greenhouse Solution has just released a revolutionary greenhouse for cannabis. The company had been researching for years on a self-heating indoor solution for growing vegetables indoor. With the advent of a future with 30% sales of marijuana being legal, this technology has the potential to capitalize in this industry as well.

With this game changing technology, small time pot growers can grow pot with ease and large companies would finally have an efficient way of growing cannabis.

This greenhouse system connects with their patent pending GAHT or Ground to Air Heat Transfer system. This system recirculates the green house hot air through an underground heat exchanger built for this purpose. It also transfers access daytime heat into the soil where it is stored for later use on a cold day or period.

This allows all the weed growers to take advantage of the effect of greenhouse naturally, whereas other greenhouse solutions removed excess heat due to climate control. As it uses the heat storing property of soil and the geothermal energy of the earth, GAHT is a renewable energy system that could cut emerging cost to about 60% and also allow the growers to grow top grade cannabis all year.

Although these types of greenhouses have been used in other parts of the industry, they have never been used for growing cannabis. This could cause a major boom in cannabis growth benefiting the entire industry. The cost of greenhouse energy is the third largest in the US for greenhouse growers. For cannabis,this is even higher due to standards of climate control. Now technologies like GAHT can help cannabis growers to sustainably grow weed and that too cost efficiently.

Other features of this Ceres greenhouse design are as follows:

  1. Automated light deprivation systems to put the plant in adverse conditions so that the plant releases THC

  2. Highly reflective and insulated walls to create a proper greenhouse with maximum climatic efficiency

  3. A passive solar design to enhance UV entrapment

  4. Advanced glazing materials to enhance the greenhouse effect

All this allows higher efficiency and yields for the growth of cannabis specimen.

Now with massive tie-ups with national greenhouse manufacturers across the country, Ceres’ energy efficient greenhouse design for cannabis would be licensed to all cannabis growers at competitive prices. These greenhouses will be available in custom sizes or even prefabricated sizes. They would be shipped nationwide and assembled on site. In addition to this, the company will keep innovating and providing services for its greenhouse designs.