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The recent events of the past twelve months arguably have hit every major and minor economy more than any event could do in the past few years and the ambiguity of the future is still held high. Almost every single industry faced this roadblock and their paths towards overcoming this damage are still unknown. Besides these, the travel and tourism industry had suffered the largest blow in the spheres of national, international, and local.

The world is constantly thinking of bringing new ideas into the light and think of ways to increase travel. Many are using the notion of using marijuana as a means to harness the industry and improve the economy.

The notion of cannabis-driven tourism is not a new concept today and had been in practice for a long time. It is the reason we see why many countries are adopting this way of tourist attraction. The rising popularity of the cannabis industry is also a reason why many strains are brought to public notice today.

Today, the industries have amounted to a whopping number of thousands of iterations and hybrids used for the tourism industry. The Kush or a revolutionary cannabis strain from southeast Asia are leading and redirecting more tourist-filled flights towards them. This is the strain achieved from the ageless mountains of Afghanistan through the mid-twentieth century and made way to Los Angeles in the 1990s.

This marijuana transport had eventually started gaining swift momentum. With the New York Times covering the cannabis industry trends through the half of 2019, the popularity swept across the nation. Marijuana legalization superseded the legal condemnation and more states came forward to legalizing the same. And not only for medical purposes but the states joined hands to use cannabis as a mode of recreation and to attract tourists.

Thailand is planning to bring international attention to them through medical marijuana and Mexico is eventually legalizing its use among adults. Canada has a flourishing cannabis industry that is set to proliferate even more in this decade.

Though the cannabis section remains particularly to be a minority section in the entire industry, its power to attract enthusiasts is enormous. Marijuana holds a prolific and emotive history as food and certain pivotal locations around the world are focusing to highlight just these specific points. The ultimate motive is to help the tourists step out of their arena and groove to the magic of marijuana right at their source of produce.