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Making your own cannabutter is easy and is a fantastic way to dispose of the clippings and non smoke-able parts of your crop. The key is to separate the active ingredients from the plant material, and then allow them to form a bond with another medium, in our case, butter! Making cannabis edibles is fun with countless recipes online to ensure great taste, and more importantly a great high! Also a great alternative for people who want to avoid any potential consequences from inhaling smoke. Here is an easy guide on how to make your own cannabutter which you can use to make your own delicious edibles!

There are many ways to achieve a great result, here is just one:

What you will need:

  1. A large pot
  2. Cannabis plant clippings, leaves, branches (you can use the buds too, but works just as well with clippings)
  3.  Butter (salt reduced baking butter is best)
  1. Water

  2. Something to stir with (something you can throw away as it will smell and be stained green)

  • First of all, you will need to shred or cut up the plant matter you plan on using. You can use a coffee grinder but we’re not looking for a powder finish, just small pieces. This may take some time, but make sure to cut up all the bits into small pieces to it easily fit in your pot.

  • Ok, once you have your plant mixture ready, you want to melt the butter in your pot. Do this on a low heat. Once it is nearly all melted add some water. Add enough so that you will still be able to fit in your plant material and everything will be submerged.

  • Then, once the water is hot (not boiling, just very hot) add your plant mixture and begin stirring.

  • From here it’s really up to you how long you want to let it simmer. Basically we want the good stuff to release its hold from the plant and be free within the water/butter mixture. You don’t want to boil it, just simmer the mixture from 3 to 8 hours, occasionally slowly stirring. You can add water if needed.

  • Here’s the tricky bit. Safety first so make sure to wear gloves and be super careful as this mixture will be hot. You need to strain the solids from the liquid. You can use a large cloth, or some sort of filter. Cheesecloth works best. Strain your mixture and put the liquid into a clear container. You can dispose of the plant material now, we are done with it.

  • Now you want to cool the mixture in the refrigerator until the butter separates from the water. You will be able to see through the clear container that the dirty water is on the bottom and the green butter is at the top.

  • Now you just need to get rid of the dirty water. You can do this by breaking the butter into big pieces and cleaning off the water with clean water. The butter will be hard like normal butter so you will be able to handle it.

  • All done! You now have some awesome cannabutter ready to make some delicious edibles for you and your friends. Remember to keep it refrigerated until you use it and check out some great recipes on this site on how to make quality edibles.
