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The cannabis industry has many testing regulations for pesticides; however, no high quality control testing is in place yet. Cannabis of bad quality can be on sale in some of the dispensaries. Sadly, there are some crazy instances where the bud-tenders purposefully push the products that are pretty old and of bad quality. It is of course the responsibility of the customers to understand what they exactly want and try and avoid what they do not. If the customers are smart enough, then the bud-tenders cannot take them lightly or even cheat them in any way.

Here are some useful tools that will ensure that you get the perfect cannabis

Learn and Train the Senses:

Some of the bud-tenders will only be going by the information that is given on the label; sadly, sometimes the information can be wrong as well. The strains can be mislabeled as Indica or sativa, or there can be incorrect strain names because of the cannabis morphology. You can begin using the interpening loop for measuring the quality of buds with the sight and smell and find the psychotropic effect just by aligning the flower’s shape, its smell, and where one can feel the smell.

Interpening is a process that is used in identifying and also understanding the cannabis variety based on identifying the plants’ flower structure and terpenes. What appears like the flat chart is basically an interactive tool, which will actually help in picking the right bud. This tool can help you in protecting yourself from buying some really bad cannabis.

The Awesome Weed Wheel:

This is yet another incredible tool that can help you in knowing what exactly you must expect from the flower purchase. You just have to be aligning the wheel to aroma option, where you will be feeling the smell on your face, and you will use the leaf shape and also the cola structure for finding out its actual impact.

Give It a Close Look:

Was it known to you that some necessary microbial testing does not actually test for the common cannabis molds or fungi? Of course, there is one tool that can solve this issue as well. The dual LED and also the UV (super magnifier) will let you see the trichome ripeness, its health as well as structure when illuminating the invisible molds and insects.

These methods are effective and can help you avoid purchasing bad cannabis.