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“I would prescribe marijuana to my children”: Dr. Beiber speaks..

Marijuana is an important thing in the treatment of paralyses. This fact was exposed very recently when a boy was suffering from acute neural failure and he was greatly recovered through a regulated dose of cannabis. After the news came to the view point of the people it was accredited that the regulated and controlled usage of the cannabis was good for health.

Yet there were the discrepancies and the debates midst this atmosphere the Canadian prime minister’s resolution to legalize cannabis world wide was contradicted heavily by the pediatric society of Canada. They said that this would denude the health and the mental conditions of the children of the country. A position paper was issued which presented the details that if marijuana is legalized then that shall be enough to denude the mental and physical health of the youth and young of the day.

This debate put forward by the CPS or the central pediatric society offered a help to the opposition leader Roma Ambrose who twisted the statements put forward greatly and commented that the legalization of the marijuana is the government’s sly take top devastate the minds of the young generation, it shall debauch the individuality of the nation state.

Art this conjecture, a doctor named Dr. Michael J. Rieder, who was also the principal author of the position paper offered an interview in light of all these protests and political play out. He enumerated in his interview the good sides of the cannabis and commented that he would never hesitate to prescribe cannabis to his own children under controlled conditions.

The doctor made it clear at the first go that it is not cannabis which is the main problem in this context. He said that it is the mentality and the tendency to intoxications is the main problem. He also commented that there is ignorance and wide spread negligence in the consideration regarding this point of cannabis. Parents do not know the dosage and they think that cannabis is also just like any other drug which is not the case.

He remarked that medical marijuana is safe in Canada. The question is not that it should be legalized, the point is one must know the good sides of this and the dosage to attain that good effect. He remarked with energy that he has two children and he shall not hesitate to prescribe marijuana to them.
This interview shall certainly open the eyes of ignorance for many as expected.