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Commercial marijuana cultivation has become contemporary and technologically sophisticated operation. Nonetheless, several small-scale and amateur growers could grow cannabis successfully in a relatively simple setup. The laws for consuming marijuana recreationally would allow in-house cultivation. It would contribute to the rise of home marijuana production.
Marijuana would grow well both outdoor and indoor. The cultivation set up could be soil based or hydroponic. The ideal condition for growing marijuana would be dependent on the specific requisites of the strain.

Growing cannabis outdoor

When you do not have privacy issues or requirements, marijuana could be grown outdoors. It would provide you with an array of benefits over growing marijuana indoors. The most important aspect would be sunlight. It would be essential for successful outdoor marijuana growing needs. It would be imperative to make the most of the plot with complete sunshine for the entire day. Therefore, cannabis growers in the northern hemisphere would be requiring plots having southern exposure. It would be exposing the cannabis plants to the arc of the sun across the sky.

Increased exposure to regular sunlight would make feeding requirements of outdoor marijuana plants less strict. It would be pertinent to mention here that marijuana plant grown outside would require nutrients every third day for proper growth.
In addition, growing marijuana outside would cater you with considerable benefits over growing marijuana indoors pertaining to area or space. Wide availability of space would enable marijuana plants to spread out and provide you with increased cultivation. It would not be wrong to suggest that single marijuana plant when grown outside would provide you with approximately four to eight pounds of marijuana.

Growing cannabis indoors

When growing cannabis indoors, you would be given adequate control over the different growing conditions. It would have simple set up inclusive of tent, air circulation system and proper lighting.
Home marijuana growers would be able to produce significant yields. Both hydro systems and soil could be made use of for indoor cultivation of cannabis. Soil set ups would be cheaper along with more forgiving. However, hydro systems would be relatively more common.

Growing cannabis indoors would usually begin with marijuana seeds or clone that would already start with initial growth phase. Planting marijuana rooting or closing seeds would be the initial step. It would be pertinent that you should be using correctly calibrated plant nutrients. It would be essential for growing marijuana successfully. However, you should remember that overfeeding or over watering the marijuana plant should be avoided.