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Looking at Georgia: An Update

As you probably know, last week was Georgia’s week. In fact, the state has finally legalized cannabis oil. And it is official, thanks to the signature of the Governor Nathan Deal, who also declared, with visible satisfaction, that this is the end of a long journey. He then added that finally many patients who live in Georgia don’t have to wait much longer before being able to access the drugs they need. These patients have been suffering for a very long time without any comprehensible reason: in fact, to be honest, illegality is not a comprehensible reason when the “illegal” drug you need is harmless and has been used for centuries by thousands of people.

Basically, if suffer from epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, Parkinson’s and other similar diseases (you can find the full list on the official website of the state of Georgia) and you leave in Atlanta, or anywhere else in the state, you will be able to access low-THC cannabis oil. Don’t get me wrong: you won’t be able to buy it directly, because you need to talk to your doctor first. Also, if you are looking forward to get high with this product, you can very quickly forget about it: it just won’t happen. This said, the bill is definitively a wonderful step forward.

Governor Deal also talked about the 17 families who were forced to leave their homes and move to Colorado, because they needed cannabis oil for their kids but they could not buy it in Georgia. Allan Peake, a republican legislator and one of the politicians who sponsored the bill, called them “medical refugees”. Hopefully, these families will now be able to go back home. Like I said, definitively a step forward.

Still, recreational pot remains illegal in Georgia, and also in most of the states where medical pot is now enjoying a growing consensus. To a certain extent, this is one of the greatest contradictions of today’s cannabis politics. Hopefully, however, medical cannabis will soon open the door to its recreational sister. This said, if you are one of lucky cannabis lovers who live in a place where “cannabis for fun” is legal, you can go for online websites like Green House Seeds to buy good quality seeds and grow your own plants, waiting for the day where even those who live in Atlanta will be able to do so. Who knows? Maybe that day will come soon enough.