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More support for the cannabis cause globally, besides the USA

In the UK, former Conservative leader Peter Lilley wrote in favor of Tory leaders urgently considering the legalization of cannabis. Conservatives in comparison seem to be more interested in punishing people. He wrote that people believe in freedom. Since nicotine and alcohol are legal, how can cannabis be illegal, he argues. He approved taxes on marijuana and not allowing consumption in public places besides a limit on the drug quantity. Release, a drugs charity, believes that a change in cannabis laws was quite overdue. The director of Release talked about quality control and consumer protection besides the security of the kids. He wanted cannabis to be in Class C instead of Class B.

Veterans love their cannabis too

If you haven’t heard of LivWell Enlightened Health, it is a leading Colorado cannabis retailer. They announced that $800,000 of cannabis was donated to veterans in Colorado during the Memorial Day week by way of commending their services. May 30 to June 3 saw veterans and service members possessing a valid ID being sold high CBD recreational cannabis for a penny an ounce. About 8,000 ounces were thus sold. CEO of LivWell said it was a mark of appreciation for men and women who wear uniforms.

Go green in Glasgow

In July, as happens each year, hundreds of drug users gather at Glasgow Green. Glasgow Cannabis Social Club gets together a rally in favor of drugs each April but are discouraged from city parks. On July 10, they would get together a community picnic cum BBQ. Over 400 people would be joining the party along with all their drugs. The hitch is that possession of a Class B drug can invite a five-year jail term and high fines. Scottish Conservatives are opposed to such an event.
Immense support fires the American cannabis culture

With 88% of America in support of medical marijuana, and 58% who believe in legal marijuana, actor Bryan Cranston and rapper Snoop Dogg are among the many who support legal marijuana. Evangelist Pat Robertson, media person Arianna Huffington, businessman David Koch, they all see eye to eye.

Is the support for marijuana political? It is certainly true that illegal marijuana causes too many problems and legalization would iron out the issues. Simplification would be the best solution to put drug crime out of business and let patients accomplish cures for their epilepsy, Dravet’s syndrome and Crohn’s disease, among many other medical conditions. Now that it is proven that marijuana is not addictive and not harmful to health, besides teenagers not getting hooked in spite of legalization, all is well for cannabis to roam free.