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Many people are averse to the idea of smoking cannabis. If you are one of them and still want to experience the benefits and effects, edibles can be a perfect alternative. Any food or beverage that’s infused with cannabis comes under the category of cannabis edibles. From baked goods and brownies, to cooked recipes, everything that has cannabis works on your body in a similar manner. Cannabis interacts with the endocannabinoid system of the body, and unlike smoking, the effects of cannabis edibles take time. In this post, we are sharing a simple & basic guide that will come handy for consuming edibles.

Should you buy or make cannabis edibles?

Let’s start by mentioning that cannabis edibles are super easy to make. All you have to do is infuse your cooking oil, butter, or olive oil, with cannabis and use it in the recipe. There are numerous recipes on how make weed butter at home. So, does that mean store-bought edibles are of no good? Not really. With homemade edibles, it is very hard to be precise with the dosage. In other words, you may have to go for the trial-and-error method to understand how much of cannabis is just right for a product or recipe.

Beginners should ideally try cannabis edibles purchased from a dispensary, so that can be really precise with dosage. Once you know how your body reacts to cannabis, you can always go and bake your own brownies.

How much cannabis should one consume?

The only cannabinoid in cannabis that’s psychoactive is THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. When you check for cannabis edibles, check the THC content. Beginners shouldn’t consume anything that has more than 5 mg of THC. Always remember that everyone reacts differently to cannabis edibles, and since edibles must be digested first, the effects may not be evident immediately. In fact, it can take up to 90 minutes for cannabis edibles to take effect, and therefore, slow and minimal dosage is the way to go.

Other things to know

Always make sure that you are not on an empty stomach while consuming cannabis edibles. Also, hydration is an aspect that’s often overlooked. You have to drink a lot of water, so that you don’t deal with the side effects, such as dry mouth, which is associated with weed consumption in general. Do not plan any serious activity, and do NOT drive, under the influence of cannabis edibles.