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Many consumers don’t know the difference between cannabis sativa, cannabis indica and hybrids. Each subspecies carries its own medicinal effect. A big part of it also has to do with the origin of the subspecies. Indica plants come from mountainous regions while sativa are grown in a more equatorial climate. Hybrids are a mixture of both plants.

It is important to note that people have cultivated different parts of the plants in many ways for various uses. Breeding is what causes hybrids. Cannabis sativa is used industrially for oil, fiber and seeds. The seeds are mainly used to make Hempseed oil which is then used for cooking, lamps, automotive parts and paint. Cannabis sativa is also known for its lower THC level. Although both are used for medicinal purposes. Cannabis indica is known for its higher THC content which makes it the choice for recreational users.

The Physical Difference
Although both plants share common traits. They are different in height, stature, length, leaf size density, and effects. Indica plants are shorter and bushier than sativa plants. Indica has wide and short leaves. Sativa strains have long leaves. The buds are also different. The buds on the cannabis indica tend to be wide and dense, while the sativa buds are long.

Content Difference
Cannabis indica contain 80% indica and 20% or lower sativa content. They have broad leaves and is mostly known by its street name Marijuana. Cannabis sativa consists of 80% sativa and 20% indica. Hybrids are 40% either sativa or indica and 20% the rest. The dominant content will identify the effects.

Cannabis Indica Cannabis Sativa Hybrid
Primarily used for relaxation Uplifting and used for creativity Combination of the two
Treats insomnia and pain Treats depression and anxiety Combination of the two
Choosing a Strain
Choosing the strain that’s right for you depends on the effect you are looking for. Unfortunately, cannabis has been cross bred for so long that finding a 100% sativa or indica can prove to be difficult. So how do you choose? Some experts say to pay attention to the Cannabinoid and Terpene ratio. Cannabinoids and terpenes make up both types of cannabis. You should select the cannabis that has the cannabinoid effects that you are looking for, so if insomnia is an issue choose the strain that dominates in indica. Either way purchasing your cannabis from a licensed dispensary is the best way to make sure you get what you need.