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Texas Show the Way for the Present Marijuana Love Story

History got to be created or was it merely one more law? In any case, it was time to celebrate. Everyone knew it was coming and it was only a matter of time. How can you ignore the writing on the wall? The June beginning saw the signing into law for CBD oil, also called cannabidoil, a marijuana derivative in Texas, USA. CBD contains tiny quantities of THC that creates the stoning effect commonly associated with marijuana. If winter is here, spring cannot be far behind and more and more states would only be doing what it would be foolish not to do.

Good use for CBD

What will Texans do with the cannabis formula? The drug is reputed to treat various types of epilepsy, a ghastly disease that makes the sufferer lost to the surroundings with dangers of accidents and worse during sudden attacks in the midst of busy highways. Epileptics would need to lead dependent lives, forever leaning on friendly shoulders to guide them around the maze we call life. The new law would certainly save lives, the noblest accomplishment one could imagine. Texans will make good use of the new law with 150,000 in the state who suffer severe seizures. We can only imagine how many epileptics reside across the fifty states that make up the wonder called America.

Why not decriminalization and recreational use?

Yet the Texas Governor who signed the law is against further liberalization of marijuana laws like decriminalization in the state and certainly not for recreational use. Yet supporters of the marijuana culture are hopeful that more liberal policies will happen in the future in keeping with the new order in many countries. Let us look at the other American states. As many as fourteen states have relaxed marijuana curbs and promulgated Texas like laws. An additional twenty-three states have broader policies in place to make marijuana based medicines accessible.

Strict controls remain in Texas

The Department of Public Safety will regulate three state dispensaries by 2017 to supply the CBD oil. The oil should only be prescribed by certified practitioners, neurologists and epileptologists. These prescriptions would come after traditional treatments do not bring cures. Some wish the THC was present in larger doses compared to the little now available for more complicated conditions. Well wishers would only hope the marijuana scenario in Texas would open up further in view of all the reputed cures from marijuana inspired medications.