Breaking News

Recently a correlation study was released by the Los Angelese Biomedical Research Institute that found a connection between a decrease in mortality in sufferers of traumatic brain injuries. Of the 82 individuals with THC present in urine samples, the death rate was only 2.4%. In contrast the remaining 364 patients without THC present in urine samples had a death rate of 11.5%.

Researchers have found in the past that THC and other cannabinoids protect the brains of mice in studies of traumatic brain injuries. The exact mechanism is not known, but it likely has something to do with marijuana’s interaction with the CB1 receptors in the brain.

Protecting Hearts and Minds

A similar study has found that THC might also protect heart muscles from trauma as well. The authors of the study from Bar-Ilan University in Israel believe that this finding is another example of beneficial effects of THC and further supports the idea that marijuana can be used as medicine. Perhaps they hope to create a drug that will protect the heart from damage.

The endocannabinoid system, with which cannabinoids interact with, is being studied extensively by labs across the globe. A study published in Molecular Psychiatry last September (2013) by A Neumeister et al a connection with PTSD and the CB1 receptor was found. In the study endocannabinoids and cortisol (a stress chemical) were both lower in 85% of tested PTSD patients.

Extremely Promising Medical Potential

Marijuana has been implicated with a wide range of benefits on the brain in proper dosages. Growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus; protection from Alzheimer’s, chronic stress, alcohol withdrawal and use, multiple sclerosis; and help the brain heal from trauma like mentioned before.

Marijuana is truly a medicine for everyone. If people have a problem with the psychoactive chemical, they can have higher CBD levels, which is a cannabinoid that reduces psychosis and balances the high. It’s been a long time if ever we have come in contact with a plant and devised so many potential medicines.

It seems every day we find a new medical use for the marijuana plant. It really is inspiring to see researchers being able to study the plant and its effects openly. The DEA announced earlier this week that it would be growing close to a ton of marijuana for research labs across the country, applications to Denver’s medical marijuana research grants are receiving applications for $10 million dollars in grant money.