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Popcorn buds are buds almost the size of popcorn if not smaller. Get to know more about popcorn cannabis buds in the following sections.

Popcorn bud is as good as a B-grade bud, which does not have as much demand as A-grade bud. It seems perfect for consumption as it is nearly as cheap as budget bud and expensive cannabis. It is almost as strong in effect as A-grade.

Popcorn buds may not be as crisp as expensive buds, but they have an identical overall effect of an expensive one.

It is recommended to preserve the weed for about 5 days after harvest to get a really strong high for at least 4 hours. And make sure that you do not microwave them as it eliminates the effect of Tetrahydrocannibol (also known as THC), which is responsible for the effect of marijuana in general. Microwaving them will only last the effect for about a few minutes and that is not good enough if you want to fully utilize the effect of a popcorn bud.

You can dry the buds in open air. A way of doing this is by hanging the plant/bud in a room with a fan blowing. Or, you can also put the buds in a paper bag in layers as this will speed up the drying process. However, speeding up the drying process (can be the same effect of microwaving) may mean longer time for it to cure and if dried very slowly, it will lose its potency.

Popcorn cannabis buds can be dried using dry ice as well. Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide, and dry ice freezer can used instead to dry the buds. In this way, you need not rely on open air or heat.

After drying, what you need to do is cure the bud, i.e. redistribute moisture throughout the bud as after drying the moisture settles only in the middle. A traditional method of doing this is known as slow cure.

Slow cure is to keep the dried bud in a jar without any air in it at room temperature. For the first 7 days, shake the jars so that the buds don’t stick together and open the lid and let it breathe for around 2-3 minutes. And then close it back. Follow this method for at least 3 weeks. When the marijuana has absolutely no smell at all, it is now ready to smoke.

Once it has become smokable, do not open the jar unless you are going to smoke the bud. Enjoy smoking these popcorn cannabis buds!