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Things which you should know before harvesting Marijuana

A lot of information has to be collected before growing Marijuana. First the people interested in cultivation have to see whether it is permitted in law. There are people still struggling for getting the permission of growing Marijuana. The number of plants permitted according to the law has to b known better. The method of growing Marijuana is just like any other plant. They want water, sunlight and good soil. Some like to have this plant in the house and some like to grow in commercial basis and large scale. If the plant is grown indoors then the sunlight cannot reach. Artificial lights have to be provided to the plants which add to the utility bills.

Good Variety of Seeds

There are many websites which sell seeds of Marijuana. Good seed variety gives good plants. Climatic conditions should be favourable for growing this weed. The breeding varieties should be good and should not be cloned. The slash from the plants grown by us is the best when compared to the ones sold on streets. The variety of Marijuana depends on light for a good yield. There are many successful cultivators who have got the best yield by growing the weed indoors under bright lights. As much as light is provided there are big, dense and super quality yields. The lights have to be provided in a certain distance from the plant. This gives maximum intensity light to the buds and leaves of the plant.

Light To Be At a Distance

The light has to be near the plant but not so near to burn or damage the leaves and buds. The plant has to be at least 40 cms away from the light. If the plants grow too tall then the growers can bend it and tie it to make the whole plant get the effect of light. The tip of the plant is nipped off to make the plant bushy. This makes the plant grow horizontally bigger than growing vertically. For indoor growers, this growth is useful as the plant will not reach heights. The buds and leaves are near to the intensity of light and thus the yield increases during the budding season.

Indoors Have To Be Airy

Normally the light will have a casing so that the plant does not experience the intensity of light. Fans also are to be fixed to bring down the temperature. There should be exhaust fans which take out the temperature and odour of the green room to the outside atmosphere. If the temperature increases there will be problems in the growth of the plants. The odour from the room also can be deodorised with the help of a carbon filter.