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As you have learned when you are still in the elementary, each part of a typical plant has its function. Though we can’t really say which one is the most important but to be sure, roots are one of them. This is because it is the roots that will seek out nutrients from the soil to sustain the growth of the entire plants.

However, there are times when the roots will also need saving like when they are overstuffed or infested by the adversities present in the soil. This is why a farmer should know some of the most notable signs that indicate the roots are having a problem.

Now, there are instances when a grower forgets and the roots of the plant are infested or in the process of rotting. To salvage the unaffected parts and stop its progression, you can do the following:

• Use a hydrogen peroxide solution and run it on your irrigation system. Now, this might be a shocking revelation because most people know hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic and best for wound cleaning not for root rotting treatment. Scientifically, hydrogen peroxide contains free Oxygen atom which prevents further damage and spread of rotting. Only run a proper amount of solution to prevent rebound phenomena.

• One cause of root rotting is the water in the irrigation system. If it is full of bacteria and other harmful organisms then you may need to check out solutions for it. You can either replace the water in the system but run H2O2 first to fully cleanse it.

• Change the ph of your system. An acidic environment is detrimental and so does a very basic alkalinity. A neutral ph would do the job, and if it is the cause of your root problem then switch to a hydroponics that is balance free.

If you are a new cannabis farmer, there might be a lot of things you cannot perfect right away and this is just normal. Those who have harvested high-quality marijuana yields have been through the same thing. You just have to be patient especially that cultivating this plant is kind of complicated.

But it is not really all that hard since there are so many tips you can find online. Besides, growing cannabis is just the same when you grow other types of plants. Maybe you only need to be extra careful if you want the best yields.