Those people who aren’t governed by the cannabis cultivation laws in Spain need to know that cannabis use in this country is absolutely legal. However, cannabis cultivation is even penalized legally. If you are wondering how this is possible, there are several economic interests behind this that do not want the …
Para todas aquellas personas ajenas a la legalidad sobre el cultivo de cannabis en España, debemos aclarar que el consumo de cannabis en ese país es completamente legal. Aunque por extraño que parezca, el cultivo de cannabis está aun penalizado legalmente. ¿Cómo es esto posible? Muy probablemente haya …
During its 20th anniversary in 2015, the world-famous Vina Rock has beaten all expectations. It doesn’t come as a surprise that more and more visitors are attending this amazing event as the whole atmosphere there is absolutely incredible. Every visitor comes to the event with a single purpose- to enjoy music …
En este año 2015 el ya mundialmente conocido Viña Rock ha batido todas las expectativas en su vigésimo aniversario. No es de extrañar que cada año acudan más y más visitantes a este increíble evento, ya que el ambiente que allí se respira es sencillamente increíble. Todos los visitantes acuden con el …
Marijuana as a Crime: A fair label? A group of students from the University of Washington organized last week a meeting that focused on the idea of “Marijuana as a Crime”. In other words, these students – mainly philosophers – wanted to talk about whether or not are fair to label the use of …