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Marijuana – from unknown to known

What is it?
Cannabis also referred as marijuana is prepared from Cannabis plant. It is used as a psychoactive drug or medicine. Marijuana is been acknowledged by United Nations because of its use as an illicit material globally. In simple words Marijuana is a kind of herb and it can also be used for therapeutic functions. It can be consumed for relaxation of mental and physical effects.

What are its Health Effects?
Handful number of researchers working on this plant have experienced its health effects. Therapeutic use of marijuana can reduce pain and it is most helpful for all cancer patients.

Following are Health Effects:

Problems of Inhalation:
Marijuana smokers have inhalation issues same like tobacco smokers. It includes daily cough and adds sickness to your lungs.

Increase Heart speed:
Subsequent to smoking marijuana raises your heart rate for about next 5 hours. This may lead to risk of heart attack. Citizens who are previously having heart troubles can be at danger level after this.

Yes, it does effect on both the baby and mother. If one uses marijuana while pregnancy it causes risk of brain as well as behavioural problem to baby. The drug would influence the growing part of the brain and this would lead the baby to face problem on pinpointing, concentration and many more.
The above were fire burning health effects of marijuana other effects also includes
Concern, hopelessness and youth have suicidal feeling.

Different ways to consume marijuana

1. Smoking: It involves in inhaling in form of hookah, pipes and other means. A paper wrapped with small seeds crushed and rolled to inhale from a filter also does same work.

2. Vaporizer: One can vaporize the marijuana seeds at a particular temperature and inhale it.

3. Cannabis tea: By adding a saturated fat to hot water marijuana tea is prepared.

4. Edibles: marijuana seeds are used an ingredient to a variety of foods

How it is useful for Cancer Patients?
From studies it is concluded from various cancer authorization that marijuana can help cancer patients to fight against it. It helps in treating nausea and prevents vomit from cancer chemotherapy HIV patients also benefited and they showed increase in food intake.The above are some of marijuana uses that helps cancer patient. To rely on
marijuana for cancer is still a serious question.

As per statistics in year 2013 there were 128 to 232 people who consumed marijuana between the ages 15-65. In 2015 half of people have tried marijuana. One side there are ill health effects of marijuana while on other side it helps to fight against cancer. Medical science need to find out various ways and come up with reducing ill effects of marijuana.