So You Wish To Be A First Time Weed Consumer?
Many are attempting it all the time, mostly teenagers and the younger set, mostly out of curiosity. Medical reasons motivate many to try, like the relief from pain that opiates can also deliver. Possession of cannabis in small amounts may not be frowned upon, but larger quantities and selling is definitely out. Be careful about local laws anyway.
Get ready then in all confidence since there is absolutely no danger involved, unlike the use of hard drugs or pursuit of dangerous sports. Dependence might happen in some cases but never something fatal. Consuming too much of it could result in excessive highs that may be controlled by consuming food, drinking cold water or sleeping it off.
If you are familiar with the golden letters CBD and THC, they are the factors that cause the calm and the high respectively. The first session could be via the rolled cigarette like joint, by eating marijuana brownies or cookies, vaporizing or pipe smoking. The pipe and the joint bring smoke into the lungs but also results in quick highs. The pipe may result in a lot of smoke, difficult to handle for the novice. Vaporizing is gentle enough but would an apprentice be comfortable with that? Eating results in slow action with the high coming on after an hour but the impact is very strong and long lasting indeed. Make your choice and most choose the joint but smoking for the first time may cause coughs.
Make sure that you are in familiar and comfortable surroundings with people you trust and care for, doing things you wish to, like listening to music, indoors or out like in the patio. Do it in a group rather than all alone. Let the group comprise of first timers and veterans too if you must.
What happens is a slight dizziness and avoid getting too high. Dryness of mouth and throat is natural just like hunger. Keep cold drinks and snacks available. Continue doing whatever you wish like working on the computer or pursuing hobbies like writing. An intensification of thought and feeling would arise. Some guys may break out into laughter.
How long will the trip last? Since weed is far more potent nowadays with all the research, you can judge when you are exceeding limits. All that could happen would be falling asleep, excessive hunger or thirst. Do avoid driving or handling machinery since concentration may suffer. Hobbies should be fine. The high gradually fades away. A lot of people sleep it off and wake up in a daze. So be it.