7 Ways Marijuana is beneficial to your health
With marijuana quickly becoming so popular throughout the globe, it has become the most used drug, on the planet. Although Marijuana is a scheduled-I drug, it has many medical benefits if used in proper way. Here are seven ways weed can be helpful to you.
Prevent cancer:
In laboratory trials, marijuana has been found to prevent the spreading of cancer cells. This can be very important finding as cancer cells can be prevented from differentiating and metastasizing.
Treat Anxiety and PTSD:
Many studies have shown that veterans suffering from PTSD and anxiety can benefit from marijuana. THC, the main component of marijuana helps to fight anxiety and other stress disorders.
It is also noteworthy that cannabinoids, a naturally occurring substance is responsible for fear and stress caused in our body. THC and cannabinoids share the majority of their structure.
Improve Lung health:
As opposed to tobacco smoking, weed smoking can actually improve your lung’s health. Some researchers suggest the overall improvement in lung health with regular use of marijuana. Marijuana can also reverse the carcinogenic effect of tobacco on lungs unless smoked with tobacco.
Alzheimer’s disease:
Researches have shown that THC can slow down Alzheimer’s disease progression in young and elderly.
Improve creative thinking
While this is not actually a medical benefit, but it is definitely noteworthy. Researches show a higher percentage of creative thoughts among individuals smoking Marijuana.
Protect your brain from a stroke
Researchers of Nottingham University that marijuana might actually protect the brain from a stroke attack. Surprisingly smoking weed can cause brain damage to revert on a smaller scale.
Protect yourself from concussion and trauma
A recent study on mice revealed that marijuana actually helps brain to recover after a traumatic injury. Mice put on marijuana, showed less bruising and damage of brain tissues compared to others.
Apart from these 7 major benefits, there are many other medical benefits of Marijuana, but due to lack of sincere evidence they could not make it to our list. Some of noteworthy are: Eliminating Nightmares, reducing pain and nausea after chemotherapy, helps alcohol addicts to recover, reduce tremors for individuals with Parkinson’s disease.
Medical benefits of marijuana provide a great option to treat some of the most severe diseases. A lot of research needs to be done in this field. Hopefully, someday we will be able to find a cure for above-listed diseases with marijuana. Don’t forget to check out our other articles as well.