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Marijuana vs. Alcohol: A head to head comparison

Recreational marijuana has been only been legal since past year or so. Yet extensive studies are done on marijuana smokers to ensure whether it is safe and beneficial for us or not. These studies focus on Long Term effects rather than short term. With marijuana becoming so popular among youth, it is obvious to compare marijuana with alcohol.

Marijuana the Pros:
Contrary to popular belief, smoking marijuana can have lots of medical benefits. Some researches show that it can be used to treat Glaucoma, building up of pressure in eyeballs. Scientists and Researchers are still doing extensive research on it.
Some researches show that smoking Marijuana might even help to reduce Epileptic seizures. Well at least it helped in rats; we are yet to produce solid evidence for humans.

Marijuana has also been proven to stop spreading cancer cells, in laboratory trials. It can potentially stop Cancer from spreading across the body.
It is also useful to slow down Alzheimer’s disease and reduce anxiety. It also improves lung capacity and reduces damage done by tobacco smoking. Weed has THC as a chemical component, which helps you to relax and relieve stress.
Deaths due to overdose of marijuana is very rare, while alcohol poisoning is quite common.

Marijuana the Cons:
Although it is not addictive, excessive smoking might lead to minor addiction. There is very little evidence to prove that it actually benefits Humans from different medical conditions.

Alcohol the Pros:
Many studies have suggested that drinking small amounts of alcohol might be beneficial to our health. But excessive amount can result in severe damage to whole body.

Moderate amount of alcohol raises HDL, the good cholesterol. Which helps to fight and prevent cardiovascular disease. It can also help to prevent erectile dysfunction in males.

Treating common cold with small amount of alcohol is a long known remedy. Alcohol drinkers have a reduced risk of Gallstones and Diabetes.

Alcohol the Cons:
Highly addictive, Chances of death due to alcohol poisoning and alcohol related accident is much higher. If consumed daily it might damage the liver and other organs. Social issues arise when a drinker loses his control over himself.
Every year many people die of causes linked to alcohol, accidents being one major of them.

Compared to the pros of alcohol, Cons make alcohol a bad choice to drink. Whilst smoking, weed can actually benefit your personal health. Don’t forget to check out our other articles.