A recent study of British Medical Journal Lancet Psychiatry is reported that around 10 million or more citizens of America are smoking marijuana. This is happening now for the first time in 12 years.
This study is based on the heavy data. It gathers 5 new states to vote for legalizing marijuana for medical issues. California is included into that. Now, California and 4 other states are considering the federal loyalty of the campaign.
Dr, Wilson M Compton says that their team is expecting an upcoming increase of marijuana use. This report is based on many types of research. Mr. Wilson, the researcher of National Institute on Drug Abuse, says more to support the truth of legalizing marijuana. The US is changing their laws on marijuana and the most recent law passed by the state is allowing the medical strains.
The percentage reports:
The research was in action for 12 years (from 2002 to 2014). In these years 596,500 matured researches have made by the National Institute of US. The study on the drug use in health to create recreations and normal use of drugs is published the report. The focus of this research is to find the numbers of Americans that are using marijuana. This study is showing that the percentage of marijuana smokers has enriched from 10.4% to 13.3% in these years. The 2.9% of improvement is equaled to 10 million Americans. These people said that they smoked marijuana once in a year. In 2002, 21.9 million people have smoked marijuana and in 2014 the number touches the 31.9 million digits.
The regular users:
The numbers of regular smokers are developed as well. The Institute has been studied and completed many mature types of research. The reports said that 1.9% of US population is increased to 3.5% in these 12 years. It means, in 2002 3.9 million people are admitted to smoke cannabis and in 2014 it goes to 8.4 million.
The first tried adults, who became the regular user in future is increased as well. It was 0.7% and became 1.1% in 2014. The study is continuing its journey. In 2016 the numbers of every type of marijuana smokers have enriched largely. After legalizing the medical marijuana, the improvement of the number is gearing up. Now, the medical marijuana availability becomes easy. Therefore, the numbers and percentages are rising. It is supporting the medical therapies to reach a new destination. High level of medical marijuana buying and selling is effecting on the economic condition of the state.