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Marijuana might be known for being destructive and is in fact the reason why it is still not allowed in most countries, but this plant has a lot of benefits. Yes, there are a number of benefits that one can get from cannabis and this is because of the of THC ingredient. This ingredient is the reason behind the high feeling. This is also the reason why cancer and PTSD patients’ discomforts are minimized.

Marijuana plants can be used right away after harvest but if you want the best quality, you should have it dried and cured first. Through proper curing, you can safely store your cannabis even up to two years from harvest. There will be no need to worry about mold development or cannabinoid content loss will occur.

Step by step guide in curing your cannabis the right way:

1. The first step is to cut down the plant. Here you can have three options on how to do it:

• Cut at the base and then hang it upside down
• Cut off the branches and hang to dry
• Cut the buds and have them dry on a mesh screen

2. Trim away extra leaves. There are those who will just trim away the bigger leaves but there are also those who will really trim away even those little leaves. In doing so, the buds will offer a smoother experience and at the same time, their appearance will also improve. Actually, the amount of leaves to be trimmed away should depend on the climate in your area. The more humid is your area, the more leaves should be trimmed away.

3. When your buds are ready, you can now start the drying process. Note that making sure your cannabis buds are dry is the first phase in the curing process. And hanging them upside down is the standard way to do it. If you want to ensure the quality of your buds, they must be cured the right way.

4. You should continue drying until such time when you the leaves are already dry and stems are already kind of brittle. You can then place them inside a jar, though, in the first few weeks, you should regularly inspect them and at the same time, air out the buds.
The curing should not exceed more than 6 months as, after that, there will be no effect anymore. Indeed, marijuana or cannabis can also be your medicine when used the proper way.