With legalization of medical marijuana in various states and some with recreational marijuana, most people have been searching for innovative ideas to make use of the herb. In case, you did not prefer smoking marijuana or looking forward to trig something different, cooking with Cannabis oil would be a great …
You should be rest assured that several questions on cannabis affecting the immune system would be in your mind that needs to be answered. However, it is not that easy to have a simple solution on cannabis to be used for improving your immunity. Scientists across the world have been learning adequately about …
The marijuana industry has become literally unstoppable in the recent times. It would not be hard to understand. Recently, Canada has become the initial industrialized nation in the world to legalize recreational marijuana. With the sales soaring high, several investors have positioned themselves in marijuana …
Eugene DePasquale, Auditor General spoke about favoring the legalization of marijuana. While addressing the crowd gathered at state capitol Rotunda, Eugene DePasquale explained the benefits offered by taxing cannabis. He was of the opinion the Pennsylvania could gather more than half a billion dollars annually in …
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla apparently smoke marijuana briefly on camera when being interviewed on podcast. It would be fueling critics about his behavior that has become increasingly erratic and concerning. It would be pertinent to mention here that Tesla revealed about its chief accounting officer within a month of …
Cannabis infused beverages has been everywhere ranging from cocktails to coffee. It would not be wrong to suggest that you would be able to locate the drug in local grocery stores in the coming times. The drug has been legalized by several states in the US. Several reports on cannabis revealed that Coca-Cola has …
Find below few important steps for growing marijuana at home. Step One – Locating a space The initial step would be to locate an ideal space for your marijuana growing needs. It would usually require a room having a window or an exhaust for ventilation. In case, you were looking forward to growing marijuana in …
Cannabis has been widely popular illicit drug across the globe. The major reasons for its popularity would be its ability to produce psychoactive chemical known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Regardless, marijuana used for recreation entails pursuing euphoric sensations that would be produced by marijuana …
Several researchers in the US face several challenges and barriers in conducting research on marijuana. As a result, numerous changes have been made in state policy along with increasing access to legal medical marijuana. However, it has not altered the federal legal scope. It still considers marijuana ‘Schedule …
For a majority of people, therapeutic and medical potential of marijuana has been the reason for legalization of the cannabis plant. It has been deemed an important social and political task. Researchers in various parts of the world have been making considerable contributions for people to gain adequate knowledge …