In event of you looking forward to enjoying marijuana, you should consider few important aspects associated with it. The foremost would be availability of marijuana in your region. After all, you would not like to break the law of the land for pleasurable high. It would be pertinent that you understand the law …
Cannabis or marijuana has been deemed a drug known for rewarding patience. In case, you were looking forward to experimenting with marijuana, it would be in your best interest to take baby steps every time. With passage of time, your perception of having marijuana would change. You would like to listen and …
Are you thinking of doing marijuana for the first time? Do you have prior experience of marijuana consumption? How was your experience? Apparently, if you were looking forward to trying it again, it would have been relatively great for you. However, for first time users, it would be a catch22 situation. However, …
You may often wonder whether you could get addicted to cannabis. Do you consider marijuana better than smoking tobacco? Let us delve on some of such questions and find suitable answers. Weed has been widely popular with the people to get high. The drug has been made popular worldwide even more with decision taken …
Despite marijuana being legalized in most parts of the world, it does not mean that authorities would not be involved. There have been several things to know about getting started with smoking marijuana. It would be pertinent to mention here that the article is not about advocating the usage of illegal substances. …
Numerous people have been turning to marijuana, as their initial substance of choice, instead of consuming alcohol or smoking cigarettes. The pattern has been most prevalent amongst young people. These young men belong to special ethnic and racial groups in different nations across the world. However, there have …
People have been using Cannabis or Marijuana for treating their ailments for a significant length of time. Contrary to popular belief, the Food and Drug Administration has not deemed marijuana to be effective and safe for treatment of any kind of medical condition. However, cannabidiol has been present in …
Times are changing for a better cause after the states in the USA have finally started to realize the medicinal properties of the magical herb cannabis. Weed has been of great help to the medical practitioners in helping the patients who were otherwise suffering from terminal diseases. Till date, almost 30+ states …
Marijuana is a medication, which is fast becoming the most recommended drug by the doctors for patients suffering from various illnesses, including chronic pain, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis to name a few. It is a natural remedy that is offered by the nature. Minnesota, a state in the US, has grabbed the …
A U.S based poll had asked the citizens of the country about 6 different types of products out of which 5 were nicotine-based and 1 was purely cannabis-based. They have classified their feedback into 4 different categories: very harmful, somewhat harmful, not too harmful, and not at all harmful. Though the …