The first thing that comes to our mind when we talk about marijuana is, smoke it up! But, you see that’s not all. There are certain interesting facts about cannabis that I bet even the pot heads doesn’t know. Brush Your Knowledge Go through the facts given below and shock yourself! In the year 2008, a British …
For most people smoking is hazardous to health. But, as the title suggests not all smoke is created equal. When the comparison comes down to weed vs cigarettes, let me tell you smoking weed is not even close to being harmful when compared to cigarettes. The rumours that you hear about weed is misleading and …
The most usual way of making use of weed is to hand-roll like cigarettes, which is commonly known as joints, and smokes it. However people also smoke marijuana in a bong or pipe. People also smoke cannabis in a blunt, which is basically a cigar that has been hollowed out for replacing the tobacco with cannabis or …
With the rise of cannabis industry, gradually more cannabis products are rising on the dispensary shelves and marketplace. Some of the most usual forms of cannabis or marijuana are flower, edibles, and concentrates. 1. Concentrates Well, concentrates obtained throughout the removal process where most medically …
Marijuana which is also known as cannabis or weed has always been tagged as a harmful drug because of the fact most people are unknown to the benefits it could provide. Since the beginning people have been sceptical to it’s use and they still are in spite of all the studies coming up in favour of marijuana. But, …
Cannabis which is also popularly known as marijuana comes in two different species, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa. However, there’s a third type of cannabis available which is known as the hybrid. A hybrid is the artificially bred combination of the above mentioned two species. So, all the fancy names that …
Cannabis oil is basically a resinous and sticky essence which is extracted from the plants of cannabis. During recent years, the cannabis oil has become extremely famous as well as popular because of the movement for lawful marijuana in several countries. Including THC and CBD, there are loads of health related …
More and more people and nationalities are urging their respective government to legalize the use of cannabis or marijuana plants. This is because of the many benefits this crop can bring about. However, because of some turn of events that is not in favor of what they want, still until now, there is still no …
Smoking up has always been considered to be a harmful habit for our bodies. It is because most of the people are unknown to the good side of cannabis. According to several studies conducted on marijuana, it has been found that it could actually lead to spiritual awakening of an individual. However, the spiritual …
Marijuana comes with a lot of benefits. Actually much little is known by people, most of the knowing being the negative characteristic. Only a handful out of the whole mass knows about its potential benefits. Here are some benefits listed. Marijuana for Glaucoma treatment Marijuana is much needed for treatment of …