Among all the available ranges of essential oil cannabis essential oil is considered as the most bizarre oils, due to the plant from which this oil is extracted. This oil is usually a green fluid which is said to be the extremely volatile, plus its component elements are very strong, including sesquiterpenes, …
If you are planning to become a cannabis grower for the first time, you should know that when you buy seeds, you can either end up with a female or a male cannabis plant. Most of the marijuana growers will aim for the female seeds of course for some reasons that will be discussed later. You might think that it is …
Marijuana may get you high, but the immense medicinal value it has makes it a boon and not a drug. It has been legalized in many states by seeing the miraculous elements present in the plant. It also promotes herbal treatment that ensures no future side effects. From insomnia to fatal diseases like cancer or aids …
There is always a conflict between the good and bad effects of marijuana. But due to the lack of proper knowledge about the use and medical benefits of this plant hence not everyone is benefitted with its healing properties. It is used for treating many chronic and fatal diseases like cancer, Aids or …
Marijuana also known as cannabis, ganja, grass, hash, pot, or weed. Marijuana is the dried part of the marijuana plant which is green brown or grey in color. Marijuana is a drug used to cure all types of health problems. There are many studies made on cannabinoids, the chemicals that are there in marijuana which …
Marijuana also known as Marihuana is a part of the cannabis plant that contains a high amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The other part of the cannabis part is the new age super food Hemp, which boasts of high amounts of dietary and commercial fiber. The Marijuana took its origin from Asian Countries and …
The drug is a negative word by which we normally mean something that has harmful effects on our body. Being high has become a trend nowadays and people smoke various kinds of plants. But most of them have failed to explore the positive part of this plant. The miraculous benefits that marijuana has make it a …
Consumption of marijuana can be very easy if you know the proper way of consuming it and also can be very difficult if you don’t apply the correct science behind consuming it. Thus, today we are going to help you in learning to consume marijuana in the best ways and the correct methods to make it very easy for …
While marijuana has some very good effects on human lives, the consumption of marijuana is still illegal in many countries, though, many other countries have already legalized the consumption of marijuana. Today, we shall discuss on four main reasons as to why countries should start legalizing the consumption of …
Often, smoking marijuana is considered to be a bad habit which is kept by the people. Not always is that true and this is what people has to accept. There are good things about marijuana and today we are going to illustrate you how marijuana can do great wonders to your health. Do remember that these wonders which …