Various ways to get a Medical Marijuana Card Legally Marijuana Card is allowed only is some states, also only for the medical purpose. Here are eligible conditions in brief for major states. Alaska: Allowed in the case of the critical diseases like cancer, HIV etc. Also, it is allowed in case of muscle spasms, …
Far Untouched Himalayan Villages grow and produce the finest Cannabis Even though cannabis is illegal in India, many farmers cultivate it for financial reasons. The Himalayas is one such place where villagers grow cannabis by successfully hiding their farms from the police. Usually, these villages are more than …
This presidential contender anticipates cash in on the pot boom Gary Johnson has already planned a backup in case he does not win the White House Election in 2016. He is investing in the marijuana business to make some serious profit. Gary Johnson was also the candidate for president in 2012 after being selected …
Marijuana companies are ready to invest in high tech infrastructure to produce cannabis Some of the startup companies operating on marijuana trade have the potential to make it big if the business of the pot grows rapidly in the next few years. In 2015, marijuana sales in the open market grew by $0.8 billion …
The Next North American States that are Headed for Full Pot Legalization For marijuana enthusiasts, 2015 was a remarkable year. It was the year when cannabis was legalized in many states of the U.S. Now the whole country wants full legalization and it seems like it might become a reality than ever before. Today 23 …
Say goodbye to smoking marijuana, just vaporize it for the better! Consuming marijuana as vapors is proven to be a better option than smoking from a traditional bong or pipe. People because of this fact are switching to vaporizers as they are healthy for the body. There are many different ways to consume pot. …
Powerful reasons for legalizing Marijuana Marijuana, as a medicine has a profound history. It was safely used to treat different types of headaches, gastrointestinal disorders and insomnia in various ancient cultures. Today since marijuana could become an addiction because of recreational use like alcohol and …
Cannabis discovery in pots reveal a new vista in marijuana agriculture A cannabis breeder from Denver claimed that he has created new strains of marijuana. The most startling fact is that he is cultivating these seeds in pot! This news has startled many people because; it has opened a new vista in the arena in …
Save energy consumption while growing marijuana easily The recent legalization of the cannabis has encouraged a lot of people in making cannabis. This has been done to gain more market share. The people often tend to overlook the fact that the growing of marijuana needs a lot of energy consumption. The reason is …
How to procure super class canna oil at home easily? There are many ways to consume cannabis. The way of making cannabis coconut oil is deemed as the best way to guzzle the material. Coconut cannabis oil can be taken in with any edible substances. It can be baked with any food. The medical marijuana is also …