Best cities to smoke up Smokers always look for a suitable place to sneak into and smoke a blunt. This has been the toughest challenge for them so far in the entire spoke-up era, finding a safe region. Be it a public washroom, smoking room, or an open rooftop, everywhere you will have an apprehension resting in …
America: Should the war on marijuana go on? It has been well established by the legal status of marijuana in four states and D.C. that war launched by other states on marijuana is reckless and worthless. While these regions permit the state-licensed growing and sales, silly yet damaging attacks have been launched …
Pot Breathalyzer: Could it gauge impairment? The dilemma that the present day lawmakers encounter in the face of post marijuana legalization scenario is testing for the impairment that its immediate effect causes. It has been a topic of discussion for long if legitimate pot breathalyzer can be created so, similar …
Places to avoid smoking weed at There are places around your area which are completely susceptible to alerts and police attacks. The places where you might end up dodging the invasion of bullets and sneaking away from the tazer attacks if you are caught smoking up. Here is a list of those spots which are risky to …
How to manage work under marijuana influence? The most disparate relation is between marijuana and work. These two can never go hand in hand unless someone has developed an extensive ability to combine these contrasting forces. For others the only way to prevent them from intersecting scandalously is to either …
War on Drugs: The Change in Attitude towards Cannabis The war on drugs in the US has been going on since 1914 and it has been largely successful in containing the spreading of drugs such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine. Although it has been questioned before on the usefulness of a prohibition type solution …
Medical Marijuana Consumption now Legal in Public Spaces in Ontario Marijuana consumption has been part of the human culture for thousands of years and it is not going to reduce in the coming years as well. Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes in many cultures including older civilisations since ancient …
Marijuana Smoking now Allowed in Legal Marijuana Stores in Alaska Marijuana has long been banned in most of the states in US and its recreational use has called for penalties and punishment. However, with growing calls for its legalisation, many states have reduced the penalties and relaxed the laws about smoking …
Though Controversies Remain, Marijuana Is Still the King Everything has limits too just like the sky. The get rich quick marijuana industry in Colorado might remain closed to new business ventures for two years, according to the moratorium on the business under consideration. If approved, only the medical …
The Synthetic and the Medical Marijuana We all know that technology is capable of manufacturing a wide variety of synthetics. Whether it is in clothes, furniture, even rice and body parts. The artificial may not have many advantages over the real but are cheaper, though. Yet the two worlds must co-exist and …