People say that Christmas is a time for miracles, cheer and goodwill towards all, and the holiday spirit certainly seem to have affected certain traditionalist British lawmakers. In an unusual twist as former Conservative Party member Peter Lilley is one of the politicians to advocate liberalizing cannabis laws in …
How Cannabis Legalization Can Fight Poverty? The primary argument around cannabis legalization generally revolves around personal liberty. While this is the argument which should be stressed there are auxiliary arguments which should be used to supplement and I’m not talking about the typical utilitarian …
Hilarious Marijuana PSA you should check Out NOW! Are you feeling like a shadow of yourself? Is your mood on its way down? Then you could be suffering from low THC according to a clever public service announcement-style video put together by a group of cannabis activists which has been recently uploaded to …
When discussing the health facts around cannabis many people often talk about incorporating cannabis flowers and leaves into food or extract oil from the cannabis plant. However, what often gets overlooked are the health benefits of simply eating raw cannabis seeds. Unknown to most, raw cannabis seeds have …
Runner’s High is Like Getting High If you are a runner, and you have gone through a particularly long or intense workout, you have probably experienced a form of euphoria known as runner’s high. It can be intense, and to those who have smoked marijuana, has effects similar to THC. Runners feel at peace …
The 2014 Cannabis Cup has gotten off to a rough start this year. For reasons which are still unclear the city of Amsterdam’s mayor order the event be relocated yesterday, which effectively has delayed the Cup by a day. And if certain tweets are to be believed not only was the expo delayed but the Cannabis Cup …
The Health Benefits of Hemp Oil One of the great medicinal derivatives of cannabis is hemp oil. Hemp oil contains no THC but a great deal of high-quality nutrients. Keep in mind hemp oil is different from marijuana oil in that marijuana oil is derived from the female sativa buds and contains different compounds …
Three Days after NYC’s New Marijuana Policy It’s been over seventy-two hours after New York City mayor de Blasio, along with the support and cooperation of the police commissioner, have altered the cities cannabis policy. Rather than arrest those you possess “minor amounts” of the substance in public will …
To Vape or Smoke? That is the Question With the rise and popularity of vaping some people may be wondering as to whether or not vaping or traditional cannabis smoking is preferable. Before we get into specifics let’s get into what sets vaping apart from traditional cannabis smoking. Marijuana vaporizers use a …
Marijuana, the Plant to Unite Us This November ended up being one of the most contentious midterm elections that the United States has seen, with record breaking campaign expenditures in several states. North Carolina proved to be the most expensive battle, where $100,000,000 was spent on campaigning for the …