The marijuana industry has come a significantly long way in the US. It took almost two decades for marijuana to become a considerable industry in the US. There were only a few people in the US who supported the legalization of marijuana for compassionate patients in California. During the time, there were several …
Americans have been more in favor of legalizing marijuana recently than making its purchase illegal. There have been several states legalizing marijuana purchase and usage and the rest have been considering its legalization ever since. It would not be wrong to suggest that more than 58% of Americans have been in …
When it comes to legalization of substances such as marijuana, there would be several changes made to the law along with changes made to the economy. For instance, what could be expected by states from legalization use of marijuana? Has there been any outward shock to the demand for marijuana? Has it been a …
Regardless of you agreeing to the explanation given for the prohibition of marijuana, it would be a reality that there have been two sides to the discussion. Find below few essential aspects that talk in favor of legalizing marijuana across the world. Can the government actually enforce marijuana laws? Why do you …
You may come across several different kinds of marijuana. The different types of marijuana would be known by different names. In case, you were you were unaware, the different types of marijuana would appear to you like completely different kinds of drugs. In reality, these have been deemed entirely different from …
With the legalization of medical marijuana gaining popularity worldwide, you may often ask yourself, whether legalization of medical marijuana put illegal vendors out of business? It would not be wrong to suggest that legalization of marijuana would definitely put illegal dealers and criminals out of business. …
With the pot becoming popular with the people to reduce discomfort, improve mood, and maximize stomach health, it would not be peculiar that you come across marijuana legalization for both hardcore and recreational athletes. These athletes would be facing grueling, multiple hours of training regimens. As a result, …
Several anti-drug activists have been of the belief that a couple of puffs from the marijuana joint could transform you into a druggie, maybe for life. However, do you think that marijuana actually has a bad effect on your health? With a number of American states keeping the herb legalized for personal use, the …
Are you suffering from multiple sclerosis? You may have tried and tested several things and treatments to ease your pain. You may also be looking forward to controlling muscle spasms caused due to multiple sclerosis. However, you may not be receiving the adequate relief that you expect to receive from the best of …
Marijuana would come from the leaves and buds of the cannabis plant. It would be pertinent to mention here that marijuana has been used for centuries as an integral aspect of herbal remedies for an array of health conditions. The use of medical marijuana has been made legal in several states in the US. Several …