Cannabis infused beverages has been everywhere ranging from cocktails to coffee. It would not be wrong to suggest that you would be able to locate the drug in local grocery stores in the coming times. The drug has been legalized by several states in the US. Several reports on cannabis revealed that Coca-Cola has …
Find below few important steps for growing marijuana at home. Step One – Locating a space The initial step would be to locate an ideal space for your marijuana growing needs. It would usually require a room having a window or an exhaust for ventilation. In case, you were looking forward to growing marijuana in …
Cannabis has been widely popular illicit drug across the globe. The major reasons for its popularity would be its ability to produce psychoactive chemical known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Regardless, marijuana used for recreation entails pursuing euphoric sensations that would be produced by marijuana …
Several researchers in the US face several challenges and barriers in conducting research on marijuana. As a result, numerous changes have been made in state policy along with increasing access to legal medical marijuana. However, it has not altered the federal legal scope. It still considers marijuana ‘Schedule …
For a majority of people, therapeutic and medical potential of marijuana has been the reason for legalization of the cannabis plant. It has been deemed an important social and political task. Researchers in various parts of the world have been making considerable contributions for people to gain adequate knowledge …
Commercial marijuana cultivation has become contemporary and technologically sophisticated operation. Nonetheless, several small-scale and amateur growers could grow cannabis successfully in a relatively simple setup. The laws for consuming marijuana recreationally would allow in-house cultivation. It would …
The effects of cannabis usage has been incompletely understood and highly complex on the human body. Let us delve on the possible effects it would have on you. Acute side effects A majority of common side effects of cannabis consumption would be the result of reaction of the body to psychoactive THC cannabinoid. …
Cannabis, which is also referred to as Marijuana, has been deemed an integral aspect of human life for a significant length of time. It has been popular for both recreational and medicinal substance. It would not be wrong to state that cannabis has been highly popular illicit drug of the world. Presently, there …
Medical marijuana has been given legal status in a majority of states. It may be relatively small, but it is definitely growing number of cities and states that have made it legalized for recreational purposes. It would not be wrong to state that marijuana has still been the most commonly used illegal drug in the …
You may have heard about weed smoking increasing your life expectancy. Do you really believe it to be true? Can cannabis consumption make you live longer? Let us delve on it. Marijuana continues to operate in the rumours and hearsay realms in wide number of ways. It would be specifically true for possible health …