Over the years, the cannabis plants and extracts from them have proved to be of great health benefits, and recently more of such benefits are beginning to unvail. This has, in turn, made the plant rise to the top pf the list of beneficial herbs. Hemp, whch is a significant member of the cannabis family, has for …
Within the United States, the sales of cannabis are expected to hike by 45% in 2018. The increase in sales of cannabis is due to California’s initiative to legalize recreational cannabis. The critical point in the bill’s success would be taxation of recreational cannabis. With the proposal already on the table …
Medical marijuana has been effective in treating the dreaded symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis is a highly incurable neurodegenerative disorder in which the patient suffers from unbearable pain while performing tasks every day. As per research, the patients who have been found to use this medical …
Many states in the U.S have legalized the use of marijuana for the medical treatment of patients. The medical specialists have unraveled a shocking fact that after legalization of the medicinal drug, the medical staffs have treated lesser amount of opioid users in contrast to their previous belief wherein they …
Cannabis is a tall plant having glandular hairs and serrated leaves, which are divided. It is used for producing the psychotropic drug in ingestible, vapor form or extract. Marijuana is a dried preparation of flowers of female hemp plant and leaves. This is also used as an anti-inflammatory and psychotropic drug. …
A lot of times you will hear complaints from cannabis farmers as they have done everything yet the result is less than what they expect. This can really happen especially that there are times when no matter how you take care of your plants if the strains are not good from the start, you can’t really get what you …
Marijuana cultivation is in trend these days. As a matter of fact, this is already widespread despite the fact that this is still not that legally free. The reason is that of the many benefits that this plant can bring about. Such good news has reached to the ears of almost every living soul these days. Are you …
Getting what you want should start with having in-depth knowledge of your subject. Like for example if you want high-quality harvest from your cannabis farming project, you need to first orient yourself with the different stages of the plant’s cycle. Yes, and you can start doing it here: Germination This will …
Cannabis plants are said to be easy to grow and this is even the reason they are sometimes called weed as they can just grow anywhere. However, if you want the best result as for how you tend them will tell their quality, you should still provide your tender loving care. Providing the needs your cannabis plants …
If you are a newbie in the cannabis farming, there are still a lot of things you need to know. One of the most important is whether you will use seeds or clones. When you say seeds, of course, it means the usual seeds that you can buy from the seed banks. If you will choose clones, you can do the process yourself …