Everything has some bad and good aspects and when it comes to marijuana there is a huge debate. Some recent researchers have shown the great values of marijuana on human health. The marijuana has many miraculous benefits and it can be used for treating many fatal diseases. Marijuana has been made legal in many …
Marijuana is a miraculous plant, and it has many benefits on human health. According to research marijuana can be used for treating many fatal diseases, and there are many elements present in the plant that can be used to replace normal prescription medicines. It is a herbal treatment with no long-term side …
Man has always suffered not because of the matter concerned but by the wrong technique of its use. The same poison of the snake gives life when it is used with the proper procedures and precise measurement. Further only after the valiant effort of Christopher Columbus we learned that the world is not flat and no …
The prevailing controversies about cannabis are that medical marijuana or are not a good option for treatment as it does not possess an approval of FDA and leads to vehement addictions and overdoses. But the modern-day analysts have considered cannabis a more safe alternative compared to chemically treated …
Marijuana, a recreational drug been in use since times immemorial boasts multitude of benefits. The countries around the globe, few of them have included them under the lists of harm causing drugs like alcohol, cigarettes and tobaccos. The reality is not as such, the Marijuana is a culmination of many aspects that …
Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy Magazine, passed away on 27th September 2017 and has left behind a spectacular reputation and legacy. In addition to this, he was also an avid supporter of cannabis and wanted it to get legalized. Hugh Hefner is the one who is responsible for the formation of NORML (National …
Pot stocks in Canada are again in the limelight with investors being very bullish on them. This sudden interest is because of the unveiling of government measures, which suggest that legalization of recreational marijuana is going to be a reality soon in the country. The country is going to legalize cannabis, …
Marijuana is a recreational drug that has various uses. Smoking pot has various obvious health benefits. Its use in medicine has been encouraged by various doctors who understand its power. Due to the misuse of this powerful plant, it is banned all around the world with a few exceptions. Slowly, countries like …
Do you know that California is the world’s sixth largest economy? If you see what that means, it implies that the economy of a single US state is competing with the economies of the entire countries and commanding a prestigious sixth rank Now with marijuana becoming fully legal for recreational use, this …
Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is undergoing a lot of study and experimentation. Various researches have concluded that it is an effective drug that can be used for treating a variety of medical conditions. The latest medical study has concluded that the use of cannabis oil can be effective for treating …