The drug is a negative word by which we normally mean something that has harmful effects on our body. Being high has become a trend nowadays and people smoke various kinds of plants. But most of them have failed to explore the positive part of this plant. The miraculous benefits that marijuana has make it a …
Consumption of marijuana can be very easy if you know the proper way of consuming it and also can be very difficult if you don’t apply the correct science behind consuming it. Thus, today we are going to help you in learning to consume marijuana in the best ways and the correct methods to make it very easy for …
While marijuana has some very good effects on human lives, the consumption of marijuana is still illegal in many countries, though, many other countries have already legalized the consumption of marijuana. Today, we shall discuss on four main reasons as to why countries should start legalizing the consumption of …
Often, smoking marijuana is considered to be a bad habit which is kept by the people. Not always is that true and this is what people has to accept. There are good things about marijuana and today we are going to illustrate you how marijuana can do great wonders to your health. Do remember that these wonders which …
Cannabis is a herb which is grown in most of the tropic and humid parts of the world.Humans and Cannabis have a connection for about 12000 years.Cannabis has a special mention in almost all of the pages of world’s history.One of the oldest records of Cannabis has been found in the 2nd century BC Chinese …
Marijuana plants have been the focus of media for years because of some countries that are trying to legalize them and some that are contradicting it. Yes, there have been a lot of disputes over marijuana thus it is almost strange if you are not familiar with this plant. However, if you don’t dig more about the …
Have you heard about Tourette Syndrome (TS)? This is a kind of health complication that can start from childhood like from 5 to 10 years old. The thing with this illness is there is really no known cure and no known causes as well. Until now, it is still quite vague why one will have TS. TS is characterized by …
Landlords will always have the rights when it comes to his property. After all, it is his property and he will be the one to deal with the repairs in case some of the tenants will leave behind damages. Thus sometimes, landlords are quite careful and strict especially that they also have to comply with the …
Marijuana has plenty of benefits and can be used for treating many fatal medical conditions. Though there is always a debate going between the good and bad effects of marijuana but the miraculous benefit of marijuana can outweigh the risks of taking it. As many people find it difficult to smoke it raw, hence they …
Marijuana has three strains, namely indicate, Sativa and the ruderals and each of them have a different effect on the body. Seeing the benefits people are considering the use of marijuana for medical treatment. Depending on the content of the THC present in the plant, it can be used for treating many fatal …