Cannabis is a very typical plant that grows almost everywhere in the world. Its abundance is surprising that others have considered it as a business commodity. Growing marijuana is relatively simple but you should have the basic information on its properties and survival ability. In the medical world, marijuana is …
Marijuana agriculture is exciting and a learning experience especially for novice individuals. It is important that if you want to produce more of these kinds. Since marijuana agriculture is very popular and an in-demand business these days, expert agriculturists have come up with several methods on how to …
Marijuana might not be legal in many countries, but there’s no denying that the number of weed enthusiasts is huge. In fact, there is growing support for the legalization of marijuana. Here are 7 quick facts about marijuana. Marijuana, also known by other names like weed, cannabis and hemp, is derived from the …
A growing percentage of Americans have shown support for legalization of marijuana. It is important to note that the Drug Enforcement Agency includes marijuana in the list of schedule I drugs. Over the last two decades, numerous studies and researches have talked about the possible benefits of marijuana for …
Drug abuse has been a major problem with a majority of people across the world. Most people might look forward to leaving the drug abuse. They could try to leave the drug addiction, but may need some of it to keep their system going. The question to ponder upon would be where to look for legal marijuana. You would …
In the days of old, marijuana was treated as natural remedy used for people who were ignored by the world. However, it was later in the 70’s that scientists started research on the drug and found positive healing affects of marijuana. Therefore, it was made clear that marijuana cannot be ignored as a substance …
Cannabis has always been in a debate with both those in favor or against using weeds giving a number of reasons for their belief. There is a big fraternity of people that are against it and as such when it is getting legalized in many US states they advocate that it will lead to more crime or the free availability …
In November 2016, on the day when 6.5 Million Florida residents almost unanimously voted to expand the nascent medical marijuana program of the state, the San Felasco nurseries’ president reported in their financial filings that Gainesville growery had brought a new partner in. For about $6.4 Million, a single …
The cannabis industry in the United States is witnessing a transformation like no other industry with new developments each week. The legislature of Massachusetts has consented to the plan dedicated to the regulation of the costs of start-ups pertaining to the cannabis industry. A handsome sum of 300,000 dollars …
Alright, marijuana is not legal in the United States and in many other countries. However, a growing number of Americans have showed support for the legalization of weed. In this post, we are not going to talk about numbers. Instead, we have 10 simple facts about marijuana and things you need to know, especially …