From 1st October Saturday, marijuana edibles like brownies, candies, and others stuff coming with a diamond shape and T-H-C written on it. It will not only happen on the products, also on the packaging to make everything clear in front of the common public of Denver. This is happening after the complaint rose on …
There are many legalization policies introduced in the law. There are U.S. representatives and the senators who have given their support to the usage of Marijuana. The support is done in public and thus there is a lot of support for the legalization. But congress always sits back in supporting for Marijuana …
Marijuana tourism is certainly going to reach record highs in the 21st century, judging by what happened in The Netherlands. While Portugal has legalized all drugs to get rid of criminal smuggling, several other countries feel the same way. Marijuana is part of religious culture in countries like India. Covertly, …
The heat of criminalizing the people involved in Marijuana cases is still there. There are many people who went behind bars due to usage or possessing Marijuana. Days have changed and many people are trying to legalize Marijuana policies. There are many representatives and senators supporting the policies but …
If you are lucky to be among the cannabis approving American states, allowed to buy legally and even grow it in your backyard! The sun, meanwhile lights up the sprawling green gold. If you are the discriminating kind, flavor, smell and taste have to be just right. You would probably fall for some or all of the …
There is always debate for Cannabis. There are people who are arguing about the medical facts and some are still frightened about the side effects of the weed. There are many websites emerging online which is selling the weeds and seeds. There are a lot of perceptions still to be proved. MJ freeway was created to …
The times are changing very fast indeed concerning marijuana liberalization in America. In spite of opposition from radical hardcore elements who swear that marijuana would spoil youth, 60% Californians support full legalization as prevails in Colorado, Washington and Oregon. The most recent polls also indicate …
Marijuana kief, or say the pollens of a marijuana or cannabis plant that contains the cannabinoids or the terpenes, that actually makes cannabis as unique as it is known around the world. It is basically the crystal formation that is formed on the tip of the cannabis plant. The substance is a part of the hair or …
Perhaps it is too early to say, but people know which way the marijuana winds blow in California with 60% opting in favor. After the November 6 presidential elections, 5 states, including California will decide about full marijuana legalization, November 8 being the fateful date for the marijuana vote. America and …
Super Lemon Haze and Cream Caramel… the names sound eerily familiar, not of foodstuffs, but the get high quick marijuana models that go by funky names. No, the scene is not straight out of America in states like Colorado with full legalization of marijuana, both in medical and recreational terms. Far away in …