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We have heard of cannabis containing both THC and CBD, but what’s the difference? Is one more beneficial than the other? As buyers, what should we look for? CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is one of over 100 active cannabinoids. Cannabidiol is a key ingredient in cannabis, accounting for over 40% of the composition of the plant. CBD lacks the psychoactive side effects of THC strains. Therefore, it is a prime choice for patients who need to keep a clear head while treating ailments such as nausea, pain, headaches, or stress. THC, on the other hand, affects the mind psychologically. The higher the amount of THC, the stronger the high. Although every strain will contain both, you can choose to have a higher amount of CBD or THC depending on your use. Medical cannabis is known for significantly reducing the amount of THC in medical cannabis. Below, we have listed the differences between the two.


CBD is the non-psychoactive element in cannabis. CBD does not cause you to feel “high”. Cannabidiol allows users to reap all the benefits of cannabis without dealing with the side effects of THC. CBD is known for its wide range of medical benefits. According to a 2013 medical review in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, researchers have found CBD to aid with the following medical disorders:

Medical Effects of High CBD Strains:

  • Reduces nausea and vomiting

  • Can suppress seizure episodes

  • Combats depression

  • Works against inflammatory disorders

  • Combats neurodegenerative disorders

  • Combats cancer cells


THC is an active chemical in cannabis. Its primary effects are related to its psychoactive properties. Although some look at this as a potential negative, THC has proved to have positive effects on brain cells. THC can protect brain cells from damage. When it comes to stress or inflammation, strains that carry a high THC content can treat such conditions. Below, we have listed other positive effects of THC:

  • Feelings of euphoria

  • Relaxed

  • Uplifted

  • Creative

  • Sleepy

  • Focused

  • Energetic

It is important to note that each strain is different. There are numerous strains available that can meet your needs. There are also combinations that can provide you with medical benefits and light euphoric properties. The first step is to speak to your doctor and ask for a recommendation. A good rule of thumb, is to do your research on the different strains. This way, you have a list you can take to your medical provider.