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Ever had that moment after smoking, where you hunger seems almost insatiable and yet you are standing looking at the pantry in dismay because there are no salty or sweet treats to satisfy your cravings? Properly preparing for the munchies can help solve that problem, but just what causes the munchies and how can they be beneficial as medicine?

It’s an age old question amongst the scientific community, and after various studies over the past 40 years it seems that scientists are getting close to a definitive answer. Marijuana interacts with many bodily functions, as there are CB1 and CB2 receptors, to which THC and other cannabinoids bind, spread diversely throughout the body.

An Increased Metabolism

Initially they believed it was a result of an increase metabolic rate which marijuana causes. Smokers tend to burn more calories, have lower blood sugar while high and have lower body mass index’s (BMI’s) over all. This certainly plays a part, but given the various effects of marijuana, the answer was not quite satisfying. So the search continued.

As our understanding of cannabinoids increased, so too does our understanding of the functions of endogenous cannabinoids, like anandamide. One of the roles of anandamide is hunger regulation in the brain, so it is thought that increasing the concentration of anandamide will increase the hunger impulse. Ananadamide was also shown to play a role in short term memory, immune functions (including inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cells,) happiness and muscle relaxation.

Heightened Senses

In 2007 it was found that heightened senses also play an important role increasing hunger. It was found that activity in the olfactory parts of the brain which process smells were more active during a high, which likely draws smokers towards the experience of indulgence. More often than not, they craved sweets which is likely a result of the decreased blood sugar of smokers. The endocannabinoid system has receptors throughout the entire body, so there is a wide range of research to be done before the true cause can be nailed down.

Marijuana has been used for centuries to increase appetite in eastern cultures, and is being rediscovered in the west. AIDS and cancer patients both benefit from increased appetites, since these disorders are often associated with induce anorexia. The munchies might be a first world problem for a college student home on stone getting stoned at his parents, but it can save some people’s lives and vastly increase their standard of living.