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Now in the list of nations that are legalizing cannabis, there’s another country – Ireland is ready to take a stand for legalizing marijuana for medical use. Recently, a bill was passed to legalize marijuana for patients who are suffering from various diseases like chronic pain, cancer, and epilepsy.

The relatives of extremely ill children received the news of legalizing this drug. This drug oil will help young children suffering from Dravet Syndrome, which is a rare disorder and this causes continual deadly epileptic seizures. A six-year-old child named Erica Cawley was suffering from the same syndrome. Her family says she was not able to take any medication, but when they started giving Charlotte’s oil, which contains a low dose of THC, they saw a drastic improvement in her quality of life. THC is very low when compared with any other drug available in the market.

The health minister Simon Harris spoke to the government about the bill and said that he is very much concerned about the ill people who are suffering with various diseases, and he very much understands the pain that they are suffering from. He also believes that marijuana is the only option left out for their treatment of medical conditions.

Moreover, the lawmakers are taking all the essential steps to learn and understand about the role marijuana plays in medical line. Mr. Simon will meet with officials for assistance about the scientific and medical merits of marijuana. Advising the health officials about the importance of medical marijuana could help the bill to pass through all the litigations.

One more required step is to make people understand and get them onboard in the medical field. The officials expect that doctors would support the use of this drug in the medical field and medical marijuana should be approved by the HPRA (Health Products Regulatory Authority).

The bill for legalizing marijuana was announced by a progressive opposition representative who requests Ireland country to follow the same footsteps as the other countries that have made it legal for medical purposes, including Italy, Macedonia, Australia, Czech Republic, and many more countries on the list.

For personal use of the drug in Ireland, there is no restriction on the amount of marijuana. The law stated that the amount of the drug, which is used, must be visible and tangible. This means that a small portion of cannabis or any other drug can be subject to large fines and minor quantity is intended for sale.