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Israel, Mexico, Portugal and Hawaii – All of them seems interested in cannabis!

Now that there is no turning back in the cannabis game, it is best that laws are amended and made more liberal at least for sufferers. Yet certain countries like China, Russia and the Muslim nations do not see eye to eye. It is terrible if faith and politics join the game and suffering patients lose out on very possible cures for a range of ailments. It is a pity that cannabis has been prohibited for so long while tobacco and alcohol hold sway over millions of lives like in a slaughter house, the only difference being a slow, lingering death.

Israel hopes to cash in big on cannabis know how
Busy with cannabis research, with the second Cannatech Conference being held in the comparatively small nation of Israel, they hope to be getting high on cannabis dollars that may be in the billions. How? The Israelis hope to export knowledge and skills that they are busy garnering from pot. Medical pot became legal there in 1993 and spread well in 2007. Recreational cannabis is not on the agenda. Yet the laws that prohibit the export of plants or seeds mean that profits will be hard to come by.

Do you know about the Mexico restaurant tunnel?
Truth sometimes does appear to outdo fiction in sensationalism. Some clever guys bent on big bucks of course carved a neat tunnel under a restaurant in Mexico that led across the border into America. What for? To smuggle in dope of course! Instead of citing facts and figures, let us leave it to the imagination as to how many pounds of marijuana crossed over and how many millions of dollars were made. Nobody really knows the whole truth, though.

Maybe Portugal and Hawaii have similar ideas?
Strange as it may seem, Portugal has made all hard drugs legal and that would solve many problems of illegalities of course. What it means that heroin and cocaine are treated on the same level as cannabis. It does appear that the American state of Hawaii has similar plans, but then the other 49 states do not seem to agree, considering all the fuss being made about recreational cannabis.

Checking THC levels in cannabis foods just got easier
How do you find out the real level of THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol in foods that brings the high? What is mentioned on the label may not reflect the truth with so much deception going on. HPLC or high performance liquid chromatography is the new system that accurately specifies the THC content, though it is not as easy as it sounds, subject to certain loopholes. Yet HPLC is commonly used in food, labs and crime scenes.